I try use less toxic options and hopefully it's better for our health, home and wallet.
So far I'm really happy with my:
Window/mirror cleaner: Water and metho (4:1) in a spray bottle. Polish with micro fibre cloth.
Multi purpose spray: 1tsp washing soda, 500ml water, 2 TBSP vinegar, 1 tsp dishwashing liquid. 10 drops essential oil.
Liquid soap for showering/bathing: Cake of soap of choice. Chop up and soak in 4 litres water. Blend and bottle. Great on face washes to scrub little bodies :0) Good for hands and hand washing.
Wood polish: Baby oil lightly on a soft cloth (like an old sports sock) and polish up the wood. If you can feel it when you have finished you have used too much. I'd use olive oil but I'm concerned it will go rancid.
I grate the soap makes it emulsify faster
You're a good woman, can you come and rate mine ;o)
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